NURSE: “Sorry, our machines are down at the moment! I heard the ones in Petalburg are still up, though, if you wanted to go there?"
NURSE: “Sorry, our machines are down at the moment! I heard the ones in Petalburg are still up, though, if you wanted to go there?"
YOU: “Crap."
Your team was roughed up pretty badly after that last battle. You aren't sure if they could make it through another whole route on potions alone...
YOU: “Any idea when they'll be working again?"
NURSE: “The mechanic said the soonest he can come take a look is tommorrow morning, unfortunately. But, if you were planning on staying, we do still have rooms available upstairs and plenty of entertainment!" [She gestures around the room.]
YOU: “And complimentary breakfast?"
NURSE: [flatly] “Don't push your luck, kid." [Then, as saccharine as ever:] “We hope to see you again!"
...Well, seems like she's done with you.
You glance around the room. If this is like any other PokéCenter you've been to, the bookshelves are probably full of old magazines and local field guides with maybe some other assorted stuff mixed in. On the computer, you could see if any of your favorite sites have updated recently (that is, if that guy ever moves!). Otherwise, it seems like there's a bulletin board on the wall over there with a variety of drawings and paintings. Or, you could always just listen in on those two girls' conversation for a while? They seem so caught up jumping between topics, they probably wouldn't even notice you.
So, how do you want to pass the time?