
There's a lot of people to thank and credit for help with the creation of this site! In regards to the actual coding:

  • I managed to basically internalize sadgrl's wonderful tutorial, after using it to make the Hetalia shrine. The rest of her site was also a great help, like the page for how to add a custom font.
  • and, as always, W3Schools and the Mozilla CSS guides have been an extremely valuable resource, as well as various other little sites and old StackOverflow posts, like this.

Honestly, if anyone ever wanted to get into programming, I'd recommend getting an idea of what you want your end result to look like, and (after learning some basics, of course) Googling as you go along. I also am really liking using CodePen, so far. It makes it much easier to guess and check and figure out where you've made mistakes.

In regards to the graphics of the site, I got them from Spriter's Resource. I spliced out the ones I wanted and resized them, made them into gifs, did a little bit of editing, etc. Sorry that I couldn't figure out how to add Ho-oh's sparkles on the splash page! Since I wanted to remake it in HTML and CSS, it seems like I would've had to place each little sparkle individually on each frame, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for such a commitment yet... Also, I couldn't find the exact file I needed for the Pokeball borders around posts, so I drew it up myself in Photoshop.

Finally, for now, the font is "Pokemon Classic" by TheLouster115 on DaFont.