Hi, hi! Again, I saw some people over on doing different little art prompty-things and I wanted to try it out, too, even if it's a little late / I think I'd die if I tried to do all 31. I'm kind of loosely following the prompts for Cringetober, but mostly just doing whatever I want.

halloween, digital. 10.31.24.
Happy Halloween! A quick little sketch of Haruka and Michiru in their costumes from Sailor Moon Drops.

crossover, watercolor & ink. 10.30.24.
Cherche from Fire Emblem: Awakening with some assorted Pokemon. :3 I feel like her little dragon wing ear-things are just so she can twin with Minerva, so if had a different dragon, she'd probably do something to match with it, right? I didn't really wanna bother putting too much thought into it, though, sorry. I think Salamence is a good, fearsome dragon, but I think she'd really like Flygon, as well.

adult cartoon, watercolor & ink. 10.27.24.
HII-YAAH! Dropping a bit of webmaster lore: I grew up watching Futurama, I've watched every episode so so many times and basically know them all by heart (except the most recent seasons, just haven't gotten around to it...). It's to the point where I've had several dreams in the Futurama artstyle, lol. Anyway, I've just always really liked Leela, but somehow have never actually drawn her before! (I don't really understand how cyclops facial anatomy would work...)

unnatural eyecolor, watercolor & ink. 10.26.24.
In high school, Nanbaka was pretty popular in my friend group and we watched it all the time in anime club. It's been many years since I watched it, but two main(-ish) characters with blue hair and red eyes? Yahoo! I still just think it's such a cool aesthetic, but you see it more in things parodying anime than actual anime, which is such a shame... (I do still really love things like Nyan Neko Sugar Girls, though, lol.)

childhood videogame, watercolor & ink. 10.22.24.
I tried (and failed) to do this with soft pastels, but I still kinda liked the original thumbnail sketch so I painted that instead... Anyway, a nice little sunset over Peach Beach from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! <3

vocaloid / tumblr sexy woman, watercolor and ink. 10.15.24.
Okay, so Haku isn't technically a Vocaloid, but I've loved her forever and haven't drawn her in a while. Also, I truly do think she has what it takes to be a Tumblr Sexy Woman -- not necessarily ~evil~ like Vriska, but she is kind of just a pathetic wet dog of a woman and I think that has to count for something! The drawing on the left is an attempt at replicating the Ben Affleck smoking meme and the right is based off a random stock photo I found by Googling "depressed smoking woman."
I looked at my old DeviantArt page and half the art is of her, lol.bonus: here's a drawing of her I made when I was 12, for comparison.

screenshot redraw, watercolor and ink. 10.04.24.
From the first InuYasha ending, my beloved Sango~ <3 (Also, that cart was actually the death of me...)