Myth Adaptations: The Persephone Story

Our leading lady goes by many names. Common among these are the Roman Proserpine or Proserpina and the Greek Persephone. Another 'name' is Korē, which simply translates to "maiden." Classical Athenian playwright Euripides goes as far as to refer to her as arrētos korē, "the unnamed maiden" (Lincoln 230).

Dubbed a “born wanderer,” her story has been chopped up, told and retold so often even she is unsure of her origins or where she's headed. Still, every version begins the same way: a young girl is playing in a meadow with her friends (often nymphs, sometimes fellow goddesses). Drawn away by a beautiful flower, she becomes separated from the group – and finds herself trapped in the Underworld…

A lantern hangs over a signpost pointing in several different directions. Was that always there? A note has been hastily written on a scrap of paper and taped to the post:

Construction ahead.
Completed roads will be listed below,
for your convenience:



– Underworld Department of Transportation

She was hoping for a few more options, but she supposes that it can't be helped – building paths takes a lot of time and effort, after all.

Works Cited

Lincoln, Bruce. "The Rape of Persephone: A Greek Scenario of Women's Initiation." The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 72, No. 3/4 (Jul. - Oct., 1979), pp. 223-235. Online.