This is where art, fics, rants, etc are going to live... eventually. Stay tuned!
This is where art, fics, rants, etc are going to live... eventually. Stay tuned!
So, I've been listening to the Drama CDs recently... They're up on Miss Dream fully translated, but, sad to say, I've gotten a bit rusty, technology-wise. The Windows default media player didn't want to play the sound, so I had to download VLC Media Player (which is probably for the best, all around). If you don't want to bother with all that, though, Greenbeans has some translations on her site, as well (without audio).
In Track 10 of the Collection, Haruka accidentally hits a guy with her motorcycle and promises to do his job for the day, so he doesn't get fired... Turns out he's a fish seller! Here's a couple of little doodles based off it:
It's just a really goofy scenario. In the next track, she runs over another guy, and he works at a gay bar. She adamantly refuses to go, though.* Then, she returns home and complains to Michiru about her day. Michiru teases her and says she made a cute fish salesman and that she would've spent all her time at the bar if Haruka agreed to work there. That would also be a fun idea to explore...
Tracks 15 - 17 are also fun, where the Senshi + H&M get trapped on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean and decide to attack Sailor Moon until Tuxedo Mask shows up to save the day, lol.
*Note: This CD in particular is repeatedly weirdly homophobic. I guess it was the 90's...
I already posted this in the sketchbook, but here it is again:
A painting for Ladies' Bingo 2023. The prompt was Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold... I was kinda confused by that, so I just did a bit of a screenshot redraw. The original:
Also, to be 110% honest, I don't actually remember the context here. I just thought their outfits and the general vibe was cool.