01/08/25 - added a review for the book, Butter by Asako Yuzuki
12/10/24 - added a few links to the resources page and some minor edits on some other pages. (sorry that it's been so long since a substantial update!)
06/18/24 - I've been reading more about the Eleusinian Mysteries and decided to add a bit about that to my Persephone series. ^^ also, I felt like I made a poor argument regarding Goddess spirituality, so I researched that a bit more and fell into one hell of a rabbit hole... I made minor changes to all chapters, but the most changed are context and empowerment, if you were curious
04/18/24 - ah, I've gone and changed it (that chivalry essay) up again! the previous conclusion was shoddy and trying too hard to make a feminist argument, when, really, at the heart of it, this is supposed to just be a place where I rant about books and anime I like -- it's not that serious! so I wrote a different bit about a book I really loved (major changes start around here, if you were curious) and I'll leave other questions up in the air to deal with more next time. I also added back in the little personal bio that I had in a previous iteration of the intro to that series. Hope you enjoy my existential angst!
03/26/24 - oh, god, I've rewritten the chivalry essay from earlier, now to be much more of an analysis of the "knight" role than just a summary of medieval poems, and talking about how that interacts with modern lesbian culture, personal identity, etc. feel free to leave a critique of this, if you want! i genuinely want to write better essays, but i fear that this is a convoluted mess...
02/07/24 - oh, look at that: another fresh shipment of Renée Vivien translations! (also, I gave up on trying to make things rhyme, I'm sorry! it's so hard...)
02/01/24 - added a new review for Sayaka Murata's Earthlings
01/15/24 - added a couple more links to the resources page & edited a few essays (reorganizing and getting rid of embarassing typos. nothing too major, though)
12/28/23 - hope you all had a great holiday season! i ended up rewriting the intro of the one essay series i started last month and also posted the first chapter, giving some background about medieval chivalric romance epic poems. i kinda spent a long time agonizing over writing these, actually... you'd think after so many years of writing essays for school that i'd know how to properly structure them, but i really don't, lol
12/11/23 - i joined a little web clique! also, figured i should probably move my other webring / button stuff to the mainpage...
11/21/23 - I'm still obsessed with Renée Vivien... Here are some more short story / poetry translations!
11/06/23 - posted the intro for a new series of essays about popular tropes on tumblr! this intro is mostly giving background about tumblr itself and my experiences with it, but future entries will talk more about history and literature, as usual.
08/21/23 - added a review for the book, A Woman Appeared to Me by Renée Vivien. also, linked that review onto her spotlight page from a while back
07/16/23 - added a couple of links to the resources page, nothing major
06/19/23 - wrote a new women's history spotlight about Japanese author, Yoshiya Nobuko
06/09/23 - added a review for the manga, Tomie by Junji Ito
05/24/23 - added a review for the webcomic, Her Tale of Shim Cheong by seri & biwan
05/08/23 - finally, here is the final chapter about Persephone! (note: I am posting this very late at night, so might be coming back to edit it very soon...)
04/20/23 - added a review for the book, Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
04/10/23 - edited the "Demonization" essay a bit and rearranged the essays page. no major changes or updates, though, sorry!
03/19/23 - finally added the link to a webring I joined! also added various journal layouts I've been working on for a while
03/10/23 - at long last, I've written the next chapter of the Persephone saga! this installment talks about art and how feminism in the 70's and 80's tried to respond to it (and where I think they messed up).
02/13/23 - added a review for the film, The Handmaiden (2016)
01/23/23 - added a review for the film, Mädchen in Uniform (1931)
01/18/23 - added a new review for The Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louÿs
01/13/23 - mild revisions of the previous chapters of the Persephone thing, as well as a new chapter
01/03/23 - back on my Persephone-themed bullshit, woo! I'm rewriting the previous essays to have a more conventional format and better organization. So far, I have the introduction and historical context posted!
12/20/22 - starting a new little thing with occasional spotlights of different authors, artists, artistic movements, etc. the first one is about Renée Vivien! I also made a few translations of some random stories and poems of hers.
12/13/22 - added a new review, Olivia by Dorothy Strachey
12/11/22 - kinda revamped the "Where to find..." page again with more links: now it talks about books, news, scientific and literary articles, and anime / manga.
12/08/22 - a few minor edits and also, I decided to move the bookbinding pages to their own site. I want to use them as a professional portfolio sort of thing, but I think it'd be weird if I sent the link to someone and they started poking around my site, y'know? here's the new page, with a bit more fleshed out resources section, if you were interested.
12/03/22 - added a new essay: "On Systems, Activism, and the Individual." The picture formatting is a bit ugly on mobile, but I can't really be arsed to fix it at the moment, sorry.
11/25/22 - In honor of finishing a major bookbinding project, I made a little subpage for it and other bookbinding projects I've done, as well as additional resources and explanations!
Also, I've been researching for another essay, but it's probably still a ways away, sorry... And a new background, woo!
11/12/22 - added a couple manga reviews and minor updates to other misc pages.
10/30/22 - added reviews for the first two books from the Beebo Brinker series by Ann Bannon
10/21/22 - I ended up changing up the way I do reviews. Added a few new reviews and rewrote previous ones, as well. (Like always, new entries are denoted with sparkles.)
10/19/22 - added a new quick review: The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
10/17/22 - added a new essay: "What Fanfiction Reveals About Society."
10/03/22 - added a new resources page: "So you want to try your hand at bookbinding?" and also some other little renovations, here and there.
09/28/22 - added a new essay "On Tropes & Memes" and another chapter for the Persephone adaptations, this time dealing with romance. Also some minor style changes (a spacey background's a bit cooler than just plain black, yeah? might end up changing it again at some point, though).
09/15/22 - Woo, new path added for the Persephone adaptations, about accepting fate! Now two out of four, maybe five, have been posted. I'll post a full list of the pages later, once everything's uploaded. (Also, I've been working on some secret pages, as well, lol.)
09/13/22 - Have you ever started researching a topic, then realized that it just goes deeper and deeper with no end in sight? Unrelated: here’s the first couple of installments of an interactive essay series investigating Persephone‘s myth and various adaptations. (More paths coming soon!) Also, I made a guestbook!
09/01/22 - added new page: The Romanticization of Ancient Greece & Rome: A Brief Intro
08/30/22 - just a bit of reorganizing, sorry! something's in the works, though!
08/11/22 - added new page: The Demonization of (Female) Homosexuality
07/26/22 - added new page: Mephistophela by Catulle Mendès
07/07/22 - added new page: The Marquise and the Novice by Victoria Ramstetter
06/27/22 - added new page: Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu
06/16/22 - added new page: The Scorpion by Anna Elisabet Weirauch
06/14/22 - added new page: where to find books
06/13/22 - added new page: The Daughters of Bilitis
06/09/22 - site created! added new pages: about, reviews, essays, resources

Welcome! Eventually, I hope to write a bit about various topics, generally relating to women's / lesbian history and book reviews. Both women’s history and lesbian history (and so many other intersections of marginalized people) are so easily forgotten and rewritten, so much has fallen out of living memory, and I want to do something about that! That said, I'm not trying to do anything too formal or impartial; I just wanted to share my personal thoughts and notes about these topics. I encourage you to read for yourself and come to your own conclusions, always!
Also, here's my guestbook. Please feel free to send questions, comments, concerns, etc! Other than that, you can always contact me via email or visit my Tumblr. ^^
(Warning: this site will talk frankly about sex and sexuality, and may occasionally contain text or images with sexual themes. Other potentially upsetting content may also be discussed, such as physical and sexual violence.)